We offer a product warranty on our website, and if you claim a third-party website through our website, we have some conditions for processing your request.

Logistics Courier Charges

If you want to claim your product warranty, you need to send your product to our warehouse and then pay us to send your product back to your home.

We can’t offer free logistic courier charges, so If you want to proceed with your product warranty, you need to pay both sides of the courier charges.

Details Required For Warranty Claim

We want some details for claiming your product warranty: an Invoice with order ID, your mobile number, your full address, and 7 to 8 product images for inspection. Then, our team will review your claim.

Branded Products Warranty

Some products come with a toll-free service warranty. For warranty claims, you must contact the brand’s toll-free number, and we are not responsible for these products’ warranties.

Many brands offer toll-free warranties for products such as Bajaj, Havells, Usha, Anchor, etc.

Product Damaged Condition

If your product is damaged, we can’t give you a warranty for the damaged product, so make sure your product is not damaged and in perfect condition.

We can’t accept your warranty claim request if any product does not work due to a high voltage electricity issue or charging issue. If you already sent your product to our warehouse, you must pay money to repair these faulty products. We do not cover warranty for these issues.

Different Product Warranty Details

We have many different products, and each product has different kinds of spare parts, so you need to understand which product warranty applies to different conditions.

Torch Lights

We offer a torch light warranty only for the battery. If your torch light battery is not working, we will replace it free of cost, but if the torch circuit is damaged or anything else is damaged, you will need to pay the extra charges. The torchlight charger is also covered under warranty. Still, your charger must be in original condition, and the inside circuit must not be damaged due to overcharging or a short circuit.

Electrical Wires

An electrical wire warranty is only applicable in manufacturing defect cases. If the wire is damaged due to overload and the wire base is damaged, we can’t offer a warranty or replacement for the wire. The wire must be in the original condition as we sent it.


We sell many batteries, including Lithium and lead batteries, and offer warranties for them. To be eligible for a warranty claim, your battery must be in its original condition without soldering. However, many customers customize batteries by using series, so we don’t offer any warranty for customized batteries.

Customizing batteries can be very dangerous, so we recommend that you be careful when doing so.

Rechargeable Fans

We only offer battery and power adaptor warranties for rechargeable fans. There is no warranty for circuit problems caused by overcharging or short circuits.

Last Update – 01 July 2024